Finding America: Big Bend- The start of Season 3
Epilogue: Season 2 Finale- Agua Fria National Monument
Not my van, thankfully.
Closing out an amazing second season meant getting back to visit family. Something I had counted the days until I got back to Texas. Before hitting the highway, I drove through Agua Fria National Monument. The 30 mile road cutting through the monument takes approximately nine hours to drive. That should tell you something.
My excitement was short-lived when I heard a bullet speed by my window. I got up and drove a few miles down the road and pulled over since I knew the road was going to be difficult to navigate never mind in the dark. That brief moment put a hard punctuation mark to a great year.
The next day driving through and out.
One of the blind single lane corners.
The remoteness added to the suspense.
Finding America: Big Bend- The start of Season 3
Family time over December was bittersweet. Shortly after I arrived my stepfather passed away. The timing was hard to believe, but I appreciate it the short time I got to share some conversation. And I appreciated the time I got to spend with my mother, my sister and her family.
But even after a month and all that took place, Time flew by and I was repacked and ready to start out on another year on the road.
My first destination was Big Bend National Park. And although I had been there quite a few times I managed to find a few hikes that were well worth repeating as well as an incredible three day, two night backpacking trip.
I love going by this art installation. You never know what you're gonna get for lighting and the flow of people taking selfies.
Big Bend
Chisos basin campground is one of the few places that required staying at a paid campground.
Early start on the Lost Mine Trail.
The end of the line at the Window Trail.
Emory Peak - Northeast Rim - South Rim Loop
Length 17.4 mi • Elevation gain 3,677 ft • Route type Loop
The outer rim loop trails were a section in the park that I had not seen before. The views were absolutely amazing. And maybe just as amazing my encounters with the deer population was surprising. I either walked by deer along the side of the trail or they came by for an evening feeding into my camp. They were so close and obviously had been exposed to humans before.
First night was cold. 28 degrees and wind whipping.
From the summit of Emory Peak.
View from the summit towards Chisos Basin Lodge, just right of middle center.
All photos at Big Bend shot on iPhone 15 Pro.